Cocktail of items
reportedly Donald Trump is taking:
October 5, 2020:
- Dexamethasone, steroid
- Remdesivir, anti-viral
- Monoclonal antibody (-mab), immune function
- Famotidine, antacid
- Zinc, mineral
- Vitamin D, oil based vitamin
- Aspirin, mucolytic, lowers coagulation
- Melatonin, improves night time immune system
Details and opinions for discussion:
1. Dexamethasone
- A steroid of the sugar type (dextrose)
- A gluco-corticosteroid (glucose), sugar
- glucose and dextrose are the same molecule
- Two types of corticosteroids
- gluco-corticosteroids
- sugar based
- longer half-life
- affects
- carbohydrates
- proteins
- lipids
- mineral-corticosteroids
- mineral based
- shorter half-life
- affects TRP receptors
- sodium
- potassium
- calcium
- hydrogen
- TRP - Transient Receptor Potential
- gluco-corticosteroids
2. Remdesivir
- broad spectrum antiviral
- limited supply at this time
- Preliminary results from clinical trials indicate that remdesivir treatment is associated with some benefits (e.g., shorter time to clinical improvement and/or recovery)
Readers are cautioned that Remdesivir is not an approved treatment for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2, but rather, is being investigated for and is currently available under an FDA emergency use authorization (EUA) for the treatment of severe COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. [USA]
3. Monoclonal Anti-Body (mab)
- a single 8 gram dose of REGN-COV2
- a mixture of two monoclonal antibodies
- REGN10933 and REGN10987
- Regeneron (NASDAQ: REGN), developer
- "compassionate use" (temporary authorization for use)
4. Famotidine
- antacid
- acid pump inhibitor
- histamine H2 receptor antagonist
- lowers tissue acids
- reduces density of oils that protect germs
- Covid-19 is an oil encased virus
5. Zinc
- mineral against germs, lowers copper
- zinc improves oxygenation
- copper reduces oxygenation, promotes fermentation
- zinc-bisglycinate is the most active of the chelates of zinc
6. Vitamin D
- oil based
- accumulates over time
- becomes toxic when accumulated
- stimulates cells to become hyperactive
- Covid-19 attaches to vitamin D receptors
- stimulates cell activity to replicate
- alternative
- VDRB, vitamin D receptor blocker
- the -sartan blood pressure medications
- olmesartan is the most active of class
- many generic names
- widely available in 10, 20, 40 mg tablets
- other alternative
- cinnamon oil
- cinnamaldehyde
- gives cinnamon its flavor and odor
- weakens germ lipid encapsulations
- alternative
7. Aspirin
- bark of willow trees
- causes bleeding disorders
- breaks up mucus like dexamethasone
- reduces platelets
- reduces ability for blood to clot
- bleeding disorders increased
- Covid-19 is hemorrhagic, a bleeding disorder
8. Melatonin
- balances with serotonin
- serotonin wakes up nerves
- melatonin calms nerves
- improved night time immunity